
Explore our extensive collection of courses designed to help you master various subjects and skills. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, there's something here for everyone.


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Learning library

For all the self-taught geeks out there, here is our content library with most of the learning materials we have produced throughout the years.



The following lessons explain different programming concepts and have been published by our members. Search for a particular lesson using the filters

Connecting a Database to Our REST API

Learn how to connect a database to your REST API using TypeORM. Discover simple ORM techniques to streamline your data management today!

Learn the most important techniques for making effective prompts and getting the AI to work for your exact purposes.

Easy to use React.js boilerplate with no configuration

How to start and build a successful Flask API

Setup your Postgres or MySQL database engine

Implement Authentication on your Express API with JSON Web Token

What is JSON Web Token (JWT), how does it work, and how to apply it to your API using the Express Microframework for API Development

Learn how to become a Prompt Engineer and create effective prompts to leverage AI to your advantage. Let's get started! 🎉

Build and publish the most basic HTML/CSS website you can build

Starting with the fastapi-hello boilerplate

Take a look on how to build working endpoints that manage your database information

Publish your website to Heroku

Learn the most important techniques for creating effective prompts and getting AI to work for your projects as a developer. Let's get started! 🎉

Learn what a prompt is and how it is used in generative artificial intelligence to create new content. A prompt is the input data given to an AI model to generate images, text, or sounds based on prior data. Find out how to become a prompt engineer to optimize results.

Use Webpack to compile and build a project with the latest Javascript and HTML/CSS

Use Express, Javascript, Typescript to build REST API's

Use TypeORM to query your database, from your Express API

Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) information on your database with Express

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