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Learning library

For all the self-taught geeks out there, here is our content library with most of the learning materials we have produced throughout the years.



The following lessons explain different programming concepts and have been published by our members. Search for a particular lesson using the filters

Deploy to Heroku using MySQL

Publish your website to Heroku with a MySQL database

In addition to good functionality, we want our web application to be intuitive for the user. We don't want them to need help to navigate it and use its functionalities, that's why we must understand how to achieve this with a good design and user experience.

Code Reviews: Essential for developers to improve code quality, receive feedback, and adopt best practices. Learn how to access and benefit from them.

Explore the critical aspects of network security, including authentication, access control, threat management, and data protection.

Discover the basics of the command line: how to navigate, manipulate files and manage permissions in Linux. Learn from scratch in this complete tutorial!

Planificación y ejecución de respaldos: Garantiza la seguridad y disponibilidad de tus datos. Aprende estrategias y herramientas para respaldar y recuperar información de manera efectiva.

Prácticas esenciales para la administración segura de usuarios y grupos en servidores Linux: Gestión eficiente y asignación adecuada de permisos.

When building a Data Science and Machine Learning project there are things to be considered, specially if you are looking for a job. Here you find tips to make a project make a cv stand out from the crowd, and a list of sites where you can find useful datasets to kickstart your project.

Discover key considerations and avoid common mistakes when choosing your final project. Learn from these experienced tips to ensure success in your project journey.

Explore and learn what is a Router, Modem, Switch, Access Point, Firewall & more. Design your LAN Network with Cisco Packet Tracer Lab Challenge!

LearnPack offers immediate, interactive learning for any tech. Start easily on Codespaces or Gitpod, learn at your pace, and access free tutorials.

Monitor and optimize servers: Tools, adjustments, and solutions. Improve system performance and efficiency. Optimize now!

Optimiza la seguridad de tu servidor: Configuración del firewall, gestión de usuarios y registros de auditoría en Linux. Aprende paso a paso.

Administra servidores: Instala Linux en Máquina Virtual. Descubre conceptos, ventajas y más. ¡Comienza ya!

One of the challenges of working with databases is to organize the information in tables in an efficient way that guarantees the consistency of the data, for this the normal forms do not say that we must comply to have the database better ordered.

When you do a project for your Fullstack developer portfolio you want to show how far you can go. These APIs and libraries can help you make your project shine and get the attention of that recruiter who is looking for you.

Explore the significance of cybersecurity awareness in today's digital landscape and its crucial role in protecting individuals and organizations.

Guide for mentors on effective code reviews at, covering program selection, understanding code context, and providing constructive feedback.

Efficient Automation: Understand what cron is and how to configure it in Linux to optimize repetitive tasks and ensure server stability. Learn step by step.

Conoce como configurar los servicios básicos de red para mejorar la seguridad de tu servidor.

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