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For all the self-taught geeks out there, here is our content library with most of the learning materials we have produced throughout the years.

It makes sense to start learning by reading and watching videos about fundamentals and how things work.

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Generative AI

Generative AI



Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is the backbone of modern web development. Discover why learning JavaScript is crucial, its booming job market, and how it can elevate your career. Our platform provides a wealth of exercises and projects to help you become proficient in this powerful language.

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Popular exercises

12hrs average

Learn Javascript Arrays and Loops Interactive

**Learn JavaScript Arrays and Loops**: Master loops with an interactive tutorial packed with exercises. Get instant feedback from our AI mentor, auto-grading, and video solutions. Practice key concepts like for, forEach, while, map, filter, find, and looping through object literals.

8hrs average

Learn to create a REST API with Node and Express in our interactive tutorial! Master essential coding skills and kickstart your programming journey today!

8hrs average

Enhance your Javascript programming skills with this comprehensive set of interactive and auto-graded exercises. These exercises cover fundamental topics such as variables, loops, conditionals, functions, and arrays. By completing these exercises, students will gain a solid understanding of Javascript basics, preparing them for more advanced programming challenges. Technologies and topics included are ES6 syntax and basic algorithmic thinking.

Javascript learning materials

Use advanced React to guarantee a dynamic and interactive user experience, optimizing the performance and responsiveness of the application.

6hrs average

Learn to build a personal expense tracker using Python and Flask. Create APIs, manage data with SQLAlchemy, and design a user-friendly interface to track expenses effectively.

4hrs average

Build a basic e-commerce app with Next.js! Create a simple online store with product listings, a shopping cart, and a checkout page. Learn Next.js fundamentals and enhance your web development skills.

4hrs average

Build a Memory Game with React: Find the Pairs! Develop a classic memory game where the objective is to find matching pairs of cards. Learn to manage card states and implement game logic to check for matches. Enhance your React skills with this engaging project!

Develop a full-stack application using technologies such as React.js for the user interface, along with Python and Flask on the backend.

Learn how Vite works as a modern module bundler and compare it to Webpack to understand its unique advantages.

4hrs average

Build a Project Ideas Generator using AI and React! Create a React app that uses ChatGPT's API to generate project ideas based on user input. Enhance your coding skills with this interactive project!

4hrs average

Learn how to create a fully functional blog with Next.js and Markdown! Use AI to generate content and improve your web development skills.

4hrs average

Build a Multi-Language Translator in React using ChatGPT! Create an app where users can translate text into different languages using AI. Improve your React and AI skills with this project!

4hrs average

Create a Snake game in React! Build the classic game where you control a snake to eat food and grow while avoiding collisions. Learn to manage state, implement movement logic, and handle user input.

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