Flask is a lightweight web framework for Python. Learn why Flask is essential, its increasing demand in the job market, and how it can boost your web development skills. Our platform provides a variety of exercises and projects to help you become proficient in Flask.
4hrs average
Learn interactively to consume and create HTTP requests to APIs using Python
Develop a full-stack application using technologies such as React.js for the user interface, along with Python and Flask on the backend.
Learn how to consume an API in Python using the Requests library. Master GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests. Discover essential tips now!
Discover key considerations and avoid common mistakes when choosing your final project. Learn from these experienced tips to ensure success in your project journey.
8hrs average
The StarWars Blog API will let you practice building a REST API using lightweight API frameworks like Express (for node) or Flask (for python) using SQLAlchemy ORM and Python language. while building a fun blog. Ideal for juniors looking to practice API development in python.
6hrs average
Learn to build a personal expense tracker using Python and Flask. Create APIs, manage data with SQLAlchemy, and design a user-friendly interface to track expenses effectively.