Career Support
Resume Building
Job Hunting
resume for developers
Below is an example of a great resume for your first coding job, during this article, we go over each part of the document with explanations and examples:
Previous experience makes everything, you need to be able to add some to your resume to look better, and this is an example of what your freelance job could look like:
1Title: 2Freelance Web Developer at MyCompany Media 3 4Description: 5Responsible for designing, coding, and modifying React applications and Python APIs from layout/mockups/wireframes to functional and according to a client's specifications. Strive to create visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation.
☝️ DO NOT COPY AND PASTE, please customize it, use different words, different technologies, and programming languages that you like, you can talk about eCommerce apps, and edTech, and you can mention particular industries that you like.
If your final project was a game, you can say you are specialized in building games with HTML/CSS/Javascript/Python. If it was a social network then you are specialized in building "social apps", etc. If it was a tutoring site, you can say you are focused on edTech.
Enhanced versions of some of the projects you built at the academy, for example:
Star Wars Reading List: You can make this a social reading club, everyone has a password and shares their favorite.
Each of your projects must have:
☝️ Quality is more important than quantity, just two or three projects are enough if they are really good.
These are the most important most wanted technologies for Full-Stack:
1HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap, Javascript ECMAScript 2020, DOM, GIT/Github, Python, Flask, APIs, React.js, Flux, SCRUM, SQL, SQLAlchemy, MySQL, Postgres
These are the most important for Cybersecurity:
1Windows | Linux | Server Administration | Command Line/Terminal | Network security | Cloud Enviroment | Vulnerability management | Pentesting | Red team | Blue team | Wireshark | ARP | NMAP | Open source intelligence (OSInt) | Data loss prevention (DLP) | Risk Management | ISO 27001 | NIST | ENS | Singularity Hackers | Documentation | Reporting | Investigating | Cyberintelligence | Ethic Hacking | Python
1Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Data Science, Machine Learning, Exploratory data analysis (EDA), Webscraping
You also learned these secondary technologies that may be useful depending on what company you are applying to:
1Deploying, Markdown, User Stories, Data-Structures, Data-Modeling, REST, MVC.
Additionally, these are good technologies that we don't teach during the 16 weeks but will be easy to learn and add a lot of value to your resume:
1Unit testing, jQuery, Gatsby.js, SSR, AWS, Firbase, WordPress, React Native.