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Introduction to Start Coding Using Javascript

Introduction to Start Coding Using Javascript
What you will learn
  • Please Ask for Help!!

Introduction to Start Coding Using Javascript

We all know the importance, growth, and impact of the tech industry nowadays. More and more developers are needed everywhere. Just in the US, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects to have more than a million open jobs by 2024, for software developers.

If you want to get started in the tech industry, you are in the right place. In this course, we will introduce you to the basics of programming by using one of the most popular programming languages, Javascript.

Why did we chose Javascript for this course?

But there's more to it than that. Javascript runs right in your web browser, this makes it a really powerful tool for creating interactive, dynamic websites. Think about all the cool things you've seen on the web, from animations and games to interactive forms and data visualizations. A lot of those things are made possible with Javascript. It is a great language for beginners, it has a relatively simple syntax, which means it's easier to read and write than some other languages. Plus, it's really versatile (you can use it for everything from simple website interactions to complex web applications).

About 4Geeks

4Geeks is a Miami-based Coding School. We started in 2015, and now we have more than 4000 graduates and 6 open campuses across the USA, Latin America, and Europe. We are licensed by the Florida Department of Education, and we were nominated as one of the best 10 coding Schools in the US by Newsweek and other awards.

Today's traditional teaching methods for achieving mastery and technical proficiency focus mainly on fundamentals and theoretical aspects. Bootcamps and other apps or websites have emerged as a possible solution with more fast-paced, engaging, hands-on, and interactive learning environments, but they often lack a scientific approach or framework to optimize learning efficacy. Coding is the new normal, everyone is capable of speaking code, and we've determined through years of scientific research that the path to coding self-sufficiency is highly mentored, live, and together. That's why we came up with a solution that everyone can have access to, where you can learn along with other people live, and have access to mentoring sessions whenever you need them.

What you will learn

You will learn all about the fundamentals of Javascript, starting with the basics of syntax, conditionals, functions, and arrays. We will cover the core concepts of variables, data types, and objects. Then you will learn how to define functions, how to use parameters correctly, how to call them, and to understand functions in-depth.We'll be learning all about arrays and how to interact with them, looping, filtering, and the most important methods of Arrays. Finally, we know that mastering any skill requires a lot of practicing hours, that’s why we are going to conclude the course with more than 160 Javascript exercises varying from easy to very challenging tasks.

Please Ask for Help!!

Have you heard of Einstein? Really smart people are always the ones who ask more questions. They are not afraid of not knowing or making mistakes. The only way we can really help you is if you accept our mentorship by asking for help. To be able to do this, when you are stuck and have tried to solve a problem on your own for a few minutes, ask on our Slack channel #Public_Support, but first read these tips about How to ask programming questions?.

Coding Tools

When we started the academy, each student had the freedom to install their own set of coding tools and programs. However, we soon discovered that students waste too much time installing and setting up each program. They invested more time doing that than actually learning to code.

So instead of that approach, we have made a list of what programs you need. Some of them are mandatory to use/download during the program, while others are just optional. Don’t worry, you’ll be happy with us!!

Yeah, yeah, we know some of you already have your own tools, but let’s keep that conversation for another time. For now, closely follow our suggestions and give us the opportunity to tell you how to go about it all.

Github.comStackOverflow (desktop & mobile)
Gitpod or CodespacesNet Ninja JS Tutorial