Practice and develop your coding skills by building real live interactive autograded projects with solutions and video tutorials
1hrs average
Use Streamlit to build an interactive web application that integrates a machine learning model. This will allow users to input data, make predictions, and visualize results in a user-friendly interface.
1hrs average
Build a customized github profile that stands out and showcases how you are, your projects and skills. Overall having a fun and friendly profile for recruiters and other developers to visit.
2hrs average
These are your machine learning final project instructions
2hrs average
Logistic Regression is the ideal first algorithm to learn how to model. Without doing much cleaning, train your model and optimize until you are satified with your evaluation and results.
10hrs average
Steps to create your first personal porfolio using React.js
6hrs average
Learn the basics of HTML5 and CSS by creating a simple Instagram photo feed simulation. This project helps you practice essential web development skills, like reusing CSS classes, building layouts, centering elements, and positioning
1hrs average
Optimize your LinkedIn profile as a Software Engineer to connect with people in the industry, fing jobs and networking opportunities
2hrs average
How much will your insurance cost based on a set of variables? Use this small dataset to model the relationship between several explanatory variables and a numerical target using a linear regression algorithm.
2hrs average
Build an image classifier using deep learning! This project involves exploring a dataset, modeling with a neural network, and optimizing results. Train a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify dog and cat images, refine performance with techniques like data augmentation, and evaluate the model.
3hrs average
Use your recently acquired knowledge to build a detailed data model for your StarWars blog. Create the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) using TypeORM and a PostgreSQL database. Include tables like User, Character, Planet, and Favorite, defining their properties and relationships.
2hrs average
This is a dataset that contains Airbnb data on New York City. You will use it to practice your new EDA (exploratory data analysis) and data wrangling skills.
2hrs average
Create a REST API using Node.JS and Express.JS
4hrs average
Disneyland for procrastinators! Create an Excuse Generator using just 20 lines of JavaScript. This beginner-friendly project teaches arrays, random number generation, and string concatenation while building a tool to generate excuses.
2hrs average
This command line challenge is designed to make you become familiar with the bash/command line. The challenge goes over the most used commands every developer needs to know, in order to succeed in real life.
2hrs average
Use decision tree algorithm to diagnose diabetes by using patiente medical information from previous medical exams
3hrs average
Build a Full Stack Developer Resume to showcase your skills, stand out from the crowd and land interviews
2hrs average
Almost every website in the world has user authentication, in this project you have to implement user authentication using NodeJS for building a backend REST API and React.js and sessionStorage API for the front end web application.
16hrs average
Create a simple TODO web app with React.js that allows users to add and delete tasks. Tasks can be added by pressing Enter, and the delete icon appears on hover. The app displays 'No tasks, add tasks' when empty. This project is perfect for learning React.js and building task management apps.
1hrs average
Build the first version of your professional student profile for recruiters to see! Learn GitHub’s pull request process while creating a YAML file with your details, such as education, skills, projects, and experience. This step is essential in crafting your public portfolio as a developer.
4hrs average
Recreate a single Instagram post using HTML and CSS, focusing on replicating its structure, style, and responsiveness. This exercise introduces you to key web development concepts like basic HTML5 structure, CSS rules, Google Fonts, Font Awesome icons, and layout techniques like Flexbox and positioning.