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Data Modeling a StarWars Blog


  • easy

Average duration

3 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

3 hrs

💻 Installation

🌱 How to start this project

Important: To do this activity, you need to fork this repo into your Github account and then open the forked repo on Codespaces (recommended) or Gitpod.

In the src/ file of the forked repository, you will find several classes that represent the structure of a sample database.

Here is a 10 min video explaining what UML is:

We are going to be creating the Entity Relationship Diagram for your StarWars Blog Database, a very similar diagram to this one:

Starwars Diagram Click to open diagram

🔥 You can use this FREE tool to practice your diagram for the first time:

💻 Installation

  1. Get inside the environment $ pipenv shell

  2. Install all dependencies $ pipenv install

  3. To generate a database diagram as many times as needed, run $ pipenv run diagram

  4. Once the diagram.png file is created in the root of the project, open it to see the UML representation of your database.

📝 Instructions

Your Job is to update the src/ file with the code needed to replicate the StarWars data model.

The project is using the SQLAlchemy Python library to generate the database.

  • Your project must have a table User that will represent your blog users.
  • Your blog users will be able to login and save their favorite planets and characters.
  • The database should store the user favorites.
  • The database should store characters and planets.
  • What other tables do you think a blog like this might have?
  • What properties should go inside the user? or inside the Character or Favorite table?
  • What are the relationships between those tables?
  • Please add at least 4 models with all of their properties.
  • Generate the diagram.png file at the end by running $ pipenv run diagram on the console.

This and many other projects are built by students as part of the 4Geeks Academy Coding Bootcamp by Alejandro Sanchez and many other contributors. Find out more about our Full Stack Developer Course, and Data Science Bootcamp.

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  • easy

Average duration

3 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

3 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

3 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

3 hrs

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  • easy

Average duration

3 hrs


  • easy

Average duration

3 hrs