Mastering the use of functions is one of the 5 fundamental skills of building algorithms:
.Basically, a function is a bunch of code that you can run anytime whenever you decide. For example:
By reviewing this code, we can obtain the following conclusions:
we have to write the name we want for the function (in this case, "multiply").,
. We can pick the name the parameters are going to have (in this case, a
and b
), but they must always be in the same order.:
, that way the computer will know we are about to start coding the insides of the function (the function algorithm).From now on, I have the function multiply
available on my code, and I can re-use it as many times as I need to multiply two values like this:
1result = multiply(2, 6) 2print(str(result)) # Output: 12 3 4result2 = multiply(5, 2) 5print(str(result2)) # Output: 10
📺 Click here to watch a short video explaining functions (9min)
This function calculates the cost of organizing a party with the following criteria:
1def get_price(number_of_guests): 2 price_per_guest = 10 3 total_cost = price_per_guest * number_of_guests 4 if number_of_guests > 200: 5 total_cost = total_cost - (total_cost * 0.1) # ← 10% discount 6 return total_cost
but you should override this and always return something useful. In this example, we want to return the result of a & b multiplication.The whole idea is to have a library of hundreds of functions and use them as we please. You declare all your functions, and later you start using and re-using them all the time.
Coding is very abstract, and it happens a lot that you have no idea what you wrote yesterday. Before functions existed, algorithms were this huge never-ending series of lines of code where developers would have a hard time and get lost. It is hard for your brain to follow a procedure/algorithm of great length; the more lines of code, the more abstract it becomes.
By using functions, you have the following advantages:
If you think about it, functions are the equivalent of books. They store knowledge and ways of doing things, and in future developments, you just re-use them instead of having to figure everything out all over again.
All functions must start and end somewhere, that is called the scope of the function. You can delimit the boundaries by using the correct indentation after the colon :
like this:
☝ Any variables that you declare inside the function will not be available outside of it.
1def multiply(a, b): 2 my_variable = 'hello' 3 return a * b 4 5# This print won't work (it will trigger an error) because my_variable was 6# declared inside the function multiply; therefore, it is not available outside 7print(my_variable)
☝ It is very important to remember that once you use the
statement the function will stop executing. If there is any code after that statement, it will never be executed.
If your function is going to be a one line function, you can use the "lambda" trick to be more agile. You have to use the reserved word lambda
Lambda is ideal for cases in which you have little functions, you will learn to love it because it makes your code faster and shorter, specially when you are working with lists.
The only way to use (a.k.a: call) a function is to use parenthesis like this:
1# This is how you call a function without parameters 2multiply() 3 4# This is how you call a function with parameters 5multiply(<first param>, <second param>) 6 7# For example, to multiply 3 times 9 8multiply(3, 9)
Please remember to assign the function whatever parameters it should receive. In our example, the multiply function was declared asking for two numbers to multiply. Play with the following example as you like:
You can combine functions however you want and have chained calls like this:
The following code has 3 functions declared:
1def get_average(ages): 2 # Some code here 3 4def get_youngest(ages): 5 # Some code here 6 7def get_person_info(name): 8 # Some code here
As you can see, the function names are pretty specific about what the functions do, as well as the parameters assigned to them.
Other important things to notice:
is to get the average value on a given array. It knows nothing else, and that is great! By separating your code into little functions, you can focus on one thing at a time.