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Feedback In Learnpack

Feedback is an essential part of learning. Have you noticed while studying how people who ask the most questions tend to understand the topic better? It's because they get instant feedback on what they think.

  • Read more about feedback here

In LearnPack, you can find feedback in different ways

Self-assessed Tests: By running the tests

Testing exercise

LearnPack exercises are usually accompanied by specific tests that will indicate how your code is doing. LearnPack will show you in the terminal why the tests failed if that happens, it will also tell you if they passed if that's the case, you will know if you are doing well or not at all times.

AI Mentoring: Asking Rigobot AI

ai mentoring Artificial intelligence is one of the most revolutionary tools of recent times. Rigobot will be there to help you if you find it difficult to understand the instructions or simply want to know more about a topic related to the exercise. Imagine that Rigobot is a tutor willing to teach you in infinite ways, that he will understand you and make you understand in the way you see the world. Rigobot adapts to you, tell him your doubts in detail, and he will be able to guide you.

Watching solutions in video or text.

Another way to get feedback is with video tutorials or solution files (in case the exercise has them). You can find this other option to guide you in case the previous options have not worked for you or are not available.

As you can see, LearnPack is a learning tool created by experts with years of experience in the educational field, validating its operation through experimentation and relevant scientific information.

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