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Todo List CLI with Python


  • easy

Average duration

8 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

8 hrs


Create a TODO list application that allows users to add and delete tasks from the command line.

🌱 How to start this project

b) You can clone this repository on your local computer:

1$ git clone


  • If working locally, you should have python installed.

  • You should open the terminal on the path of this template and run $ python3, if everything works correctly, it should show Hello World on the terminal.

  • You can test your code by typing: $ python3

💡 Important: Remember to create a new repository, update the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>), and upload the code to your new repository using add, commit and push.

📝 Instructions

These are the functions you will have to implement:

1def add_one_task(title): 2def print_list(): 3def delete_task(number_to_delete): 4def save_todos(): 5def load_todos():
  • You app needs to work from the the command line like this.
  • The user should be able to add new tasks
  • The user can add as many tasks as he/she wants.
  • The user can delete tasks by specifying the task position in the list.
  • The user can save the todos to a todos.csv file
  • The user can retrieve the todos from a todos.csv file
  • There is no way to update a task, the user will have to delete and create again.

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  • easy

Average duration

8 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

8 hrs


Upcoming workshops


  • easy

Average duration

8 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

8 hrs


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  • easy

Average duration

8 hrs



  • easy

Average duration

8 hrs
