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What is float in python?

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What is a Float in Python?
1x = 10 2print(float(x)) 3 4#Output -> 10.0

What is a Float in Python?

Float is a type of variable present in all programming languages that it´s used to store real numbers with fractions (or floating point numbers). Based on this, we can differentiate in it's composition an Integer type number separated by a . (dot) from the fractional parts. It´s represented as a 64-bit double-presicion value being it´s maximum value 1.8 * 10308.

If the number falls from the limit stablished, it'll return a String with inf as value.

1x = 1.5 2# -> 1 integer 3# -> .5 fraction 4#-> 1.5 float number


The float()syntax is quite simple and straight forward.


Float() will accept any numeric value (inside it's limit), inf, infinity or NaN and return the floating point value if possible.

Related: Why to Learn Python as a Backend Language

Using float() with different types of data

Passing a variable to float()

1x= 5 2print(float(x)) 3#Output -> 5.0

Passing a integer directly to float()

1print(float(8)) 2#Output -> 8.0

Passing a integer with negative value directly to float()

1print(float(-55)) 2#Output -> -55.0

Passing a string with a numeric values to float()

1str = '35' 2print(float(str)) 3#Output -> 35.0

Passing a string with white spaces to float()

1str = ' 35 ' 2print(float(str)) 3#Output -> 35.0

Passing a boolean type to float()

1bol = True 2print(float(bol)) 3#Output -> 1.0

Booleans can have 2 possible values, 1 for True and 0 for False, that´s why if received True float() returns 1.0

Passing InF to float()

1print(float(InF)) 2#Output -> inf

Passing nan to float()

1print(float(nan)) 2#Output -> nan

Passing a string with mixed numeric and non numeric values to float()

1print(float('4 Geeks Academy')) 2#Output -> Traceback (most recent call last): 3# File "", line 1, in <module> 4# print(float('4 Geeks Academy')) 5# ValueError: could not convert string to float: '4 Geeks Academy'

Passing a value outside the limit causing overflow error to float()

1print(float(10**432)) 2#Output -> Traceback (most recent call last): 3# File "", line 1, in <module> 4# print(float(10**432)) 5# OverflowError: int too large to convert to float

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