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How to Get the Length of a List in Python?

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Why Use len()?
Other Methods to Determine List Length

Learn how to find the length of a list in Python efficiently. This essential skill is foundational in data handling. Explore more about lists at our comprehensive Python list lesson. To get the length of a list in Python, you can use the len() function. Here’s the simplest way to use this function:


The len() function returns the number of items in the list. In this case, list_length will be 5.

Why Use len()?

The len() function is not only straightforward but also highly efficient, making it ideal for any list size. It directly accesses the list's size in memory, ensuring optimal performance.

Other Methods to Determine List Length

While len() is standard, understanding alternative methods can enhance your Python skills.

Using a Loop to Count Elements

If you're curious about how iterative methods compare, you can manually count list items using a loop:


This method will also output 5, confirming the list's length by iteration.

Utilizing the reduce Function

Another advanced technique involves the reduce function from the functools module, which can cumulatively apply operations to list items:


This approach provides a functional programming perspective on counting elements, outputting 5.

Using a Generator Expression

For a more Pythonic approach, you can use a generator expression to count elements that meet specific conditions:


This code counts the number of even numbers in the list, giving a result of 5.

Using numpy's size function

If you're working with numerical data and have numpy installed, you can use numpy's size function to get the length of a list:


This method also returns 5, showcasing numpy's utility in data analysis.


Mastering the len() function and exploring alternative methods to measure the length of a list in Python are valuable skills in programming. These techniques are crucial for data manipulation and are widely applicable in various coding scenarios. Continue practicing with different list operations with our Python loops and lists exercises for FREE!